Infections Journal

 The Infections Journal is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, and fully refereed journal dedicated to publishing research articles and select review articles in the field of infections, including research that serves to understand and control bacteria functions leading to infection.
Editor-in-Chief: Phong A. Tran
ISSN: 2090-4975 (print version)
ISSN: 2090-4983 (electronic version)

For further information, please contact the Editorial Office of IJ.


More information for authors is available in the Author Guidelines.

Reviewers can find more information in the Reviewer Guidelines.



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Article Processing Charges

Infections Journal (IJ) is an open access, online, electronic journal with full contents available to the scientific community free of charge to all readers. Authors maintain the copyright to their own work, a policy facilitating dissemination of data to the widest possible audience without requiring permission from the publisher. Publishing an article in IJ requires Article Processing Charges that will be billed to the submitting author upon acceptance of the article for publication in accordance with the following table.

Manuscript Type    APC
Research Article   $49
Review Article   $49


The journal is open access and subscribers shall receive the print edition. Annual subscription price: $199.


Open Special Issues

Proposals for special issues can be submitted to [email protected].


Editorial Board


Phong A. Tran, Australia


Chang Yao, United States

Lijie Grace Zhang, United States


Yupeng Chen, United States

Toan H. Huu, Vietnam

Dongoo Khang, South Korea

Huinan Liu, United States

Jing Lu, United States

Hung N. Luu, United States

Rajesh A. Pareta, United States

Nhiem L. Tran, United States